What is the Best Race for Priests in Cataclysm?

Published on by makro

Looking to optimize your new priest? Then it's important to get the best racials for your planned endgame role; whether you want to PvP, DPS, or Heal! We'll discuss the best priest race for each role, so you can be certain you have the best character possible for your role whenever you reach level eighty!
PvP and Best Race for Priests
First, let's talk about PvP. Humans continue to dominate here; the sheer power a second non-PvP trinket can give you, in raw stats or on-use ability, is unmatchable. Second place goes somewhat unexpectedly to Troll; the Berserking ability is amazing burst, whether you use it for clutch healing or to finish of an enemy during a coordinated burst attack. Orc, Dwarf, and Undead tie for third, with Orc providing another Burst cooldown, though an inferior one, and Undead and Dwarf both providing similarly powerful defensive cooldowns. The other races have less useful racials, though not useless.
DPS and Best Race for Priests
Next up is DPS. Here, again, we see Troll taking the position of best priest race, this time for DPS; Berserking provides a noteworthy boost to overall DPS. Second place is Draenei, with their powerful hit buffing aura; it only suffers because there is a chance your party will already have another Draenei with the buff. Orc is third, thanks to the extra damage created by Blood Fury, and Human is the last one worth noting; their extra spirit can add noteworthy damage at higher gear levels.
Healing and Best Race for Priests
Healing is the last role for us to discuss. Things are slighty different and much harder to quantify when it comes to healing. Troll and Orc still provide useful burst healing, but Human's extra spirit might be the best racial here. Other races don't really provide any direct benefit to healing, though most racials can be beneficial to a healer at one point or another.
So there you have it. If I were to name one race the single best priest race, I think Troll or Human would have to be it; Troll is more consistent, but human takes top position in two roles. I hope this guide has helped you decide, though!

You can also check the available macros that will help you level your character: Simple and Best WoW Priest Macros

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What is the Best Race for Priests in Cataclysm?

Published on How To: Priests

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