Mining in WoW? - Toughness in Cataclysm After Patch 3.0.2

Published on by makro

In patch 3.0.2 there were several special attributes added to the gathering skills to make them even more desirable to have, besides the fact that they are excellent ways to farm for gold. Herbalism received the Lifeblood heal over time ability which allows herbalists cast a very small heal over time for themselves. Skinning received the Master of Anatomy passive trait which provides skinners with increased critical strike rating. And finally, the mining gathering skill received the Toughness passive trait which provides miners with more stamina.

The Toughness attribute is a passive skill and scales to your mining skill level. For example at level 75 mining you will receive your first rank of Toughness which will provide you with 3 more stamina which equals a health increase of 30. At the highest level (a mining skill level of 450 or Toughness rank 6) you will receive 60 more stamina which is the equivalent of 600 more health.

The addition of Toughness, Lifeblood, and Master of Anatomy add an additional factor to consider when deciding what professions to pick. Any tank looking to top off as much health points as possible will definitely want to take on mining in order to gain the Toughness attribute. DPS classes might want to consider looking at the Master of Anatomy passive trait and anyone interested in a small heal might want to consider Lifeblood (although I find this one the least helpful of the three). All in all Toughness is just another reason to take on mining, even if you find that you are a priest, why pass up 600 more health and a great gathering profession, unless you already have your two profession slots full.



If you need to level your character you should check the X-Elerated Guide. Find the full Review of X-Elerated HERE or visit the official X-Elerated website by Manaview



If you're looking for information on Leveling your Mining see the WoW Mining Guide.

You can also go to WoW Mining Maps website and find information on where to get every type of ore.

What is Toughness? WoW Mining Information

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