Best Gems You Will Find in Cataclysm And What They Do

Published on by makro

Jewelcrafting in Cataclysm WoW is the profession of finding gems and so you will have to know what they do.

It depends on the level of your character, but objects of ranging power can be made using these minerals. The most valuable gems can be found by the highest level players, in order to help them fight the highest level enemies.

Jewel-crafting is, arguably, one of the most lucrative professions in World of Warcraft, and the wider range of minerals that Cataclysm offers only enhances this. This is especially so given that the craft levels are now raised further than they were with the last expansion pack. There are a number of colors available for these, each with an uncommon and rare form.

The gem properties can be slightly altered by the descriptors used in its title, and this partly defines how the gems affect your stats. Carnelians and rubies are the red gems, which are bold, brilliant, precise, flashing, perfect and delicate. Your strength will be affected here, as well as your parry rating, your intellect, your expertise rating and your agility.

Yellow minerals are either amberjewel or alicite, and will be mystic, fractured, quick, subtle, perfect and smooth. Here, you will attain extra resilience rating, mastery, haste, dodge rating and critical strike rating. The blue zephyrites and sapphires have the descriptors of solid, sparkling, stormy, perfect and rigid. These gems will help you with your stamina, your spirit, your spell penetration and your hit rating.

Secondary color gems are of the colors that you get when you combine the primary colors that the first three gems have, and they have many more descriptive words in their titles. The green type, a combination of yellow and blue, will be emerald or jasper. Here, you will have altered your spirit, your stamina, your hit rating, your resilience rating, your mastery rating, your haste rating, your dodge rating and your critical strike rating.

Orange, traditionally, combines yellow and red, and the orange minerals are topaz and hessonite. You have changed stats for your resilience rating, your mastery rating, your haste rating, your dodge rating, your critical strike rating, your strength, your parry rating, your intellect, your expertise rating and your agility for these.

Mix red and blue and you end up with purple, and the purple gems are demonseye and nightshade. Here, the changes to the stats are for stamina, your hit rating, strength, your parry rating, intellect, your expertise rating and agility.


The Best Cataclysm Gems And What They Can Do

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