Resto Druid Healing for Tanks & Groups in World of Warcraft

Published on by makro

As a Druid, you have access to some very unique mechanics, and Resto Druid Healing is no different. At earlier levels it is very easy to heal your way through dungeons. However, once you get into the higher end content, things get much more difficult. If you don't know what you're doing, you will have a very unhappy group, and you can end up wasting a lot of time wiping while you try to figure out how to heal. Read on, and you will learn some surefire strategies to ensure that you are keeping your raid happy and healthy.


Resto Druid Healing for Tanks

First off, you need to keep 3 Lifebloom stacks on the tank at all times. This should be done before he even pulls. If you notice the tank's health going down faster than Lifebloom is restoring it, use Rejuvenation as well. Use Nourish to fill up any remaining damage, and use Regrowth when Clear Casting is up. If he takes spikes of damage, use Swiftmend, Healing Touch, or a Nature's Swiftness/HT combo. Well geared tanks should be no problem for Resto Druid Healing, but undergeared tanks in heroics may require some more attention and intense healing.


Resto Druid Healing for Groups

Keeping the tank up is easy. It's when the group starts taking heavy damage that things get difficult. Rejuvenation and Wild Growth are your primary methods of healing the group. Regrowth should be used whenever anyone goes below 50% health. Swiftmend is also great for Melee DPS since the Efflorescence effect is an AoE heal that will benefit the tank as well. You honestly shouldn't use Nourish or Healing Touch on them most of the time because they are slow casting and by the time you get that spell off, the tank will have taken some heavy damage. It takes some close monitoring to keep up the group and the tank. However between these spells, you should be able to keep your group up with no issues. I will note, however, that no amount of Resto Druid healing is a substitute for DPS that stays in damage zones or Tanks that just can't hold aggro.


Emergency situations in Resto Druid Healing

There will be times when you just don't know what to do because everyone is taking massive damage. Don't forget that we have some amazing cooldown abilities. Tranquility is one such spell that does massive healing for a short amount of time. Tree of Life is another important Cooldown for us that can mean the difference between a wipe and a win. With this spell, many of your Resto Druid Healing abilities are altered. For example, Wild Growth heals an extra party member; great for raids, means nothing in 5-mans. Lifebloom can be cast on more than 1 target, and regrowth is instant. These last two are going to be your lifesavers. First, putting Lifebloom on every party member will substantially increase your healing done. Also, more Lifebloom ticks means more (almost constant) Clearcasting procs. This makes your instant Regrowth free as well making for some excellent massive healing when you need it most.


Overall, this should be a good start for Resto Druid Healing in World of Warcraft. However, without the proper questing route, you're simply grinding, and that is one of the slowest ways to level. There are leveling guides available that already have all the best leveling routes for any race and class.


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