How to Choose the Best Race for Your Horde Warrior in WoW

Published on by makro


Picking the race for your new Horde warrior can be difficult, even if you know what you want to do with him at eighty; there's simply no way to know which races make for the best Horde warrior race without extensive research. Fortunately, this article has done that research for you, and will help you determine which races are best for which endgame goals, whether you want to PvP, DPS, or Tank.


1. PvP

There's a big emphasis on burst for PvP warriors, so damage boosting races do as well as control oriented races here. Top position goes to Orc, thanks to its extreme damage advantage between Ax Expertise and Blood Fury, and reduced stun durations. Tauren take second place, with their extra survivability and AoE stun ability. In third place are Trolls, once again thanks to an excellent burst damage ability, Berserking, and a CC duration reducing trait. Undead are oddly low on this list because Warrior has its own ways to break the CC's Will of the Forsaken helps with, and Blood Elves share the bottom of the list not because they are bad but simply because the other races are better.


2. DPS

Hands down the best Horde warrior race for DPS is Orc; they have the extra burst provided by Blood Fury and extra expertise with a variety of Warrior weapons. A close second (and someimes first if you're using certain weapons) is Troll; Berserking is superior to Blood Fury, but Trolls lack Orcs' bonus expertise. The other races don't bring anything to the DPS table, and thus all share last place equally.


3. Tanking

This will be a short talk, as there is only one legitimate option: Tauren. Their extra health is a major boon, and no other race has anything worthwhile, or even close to competing. If there is a second place at all, it is Orc, for threat generation purposes.

So as you can see, it's hard to pick a particular race as the single best Horde warrior race, but Orc is fairly close, as it takes first place in both PvP and DPS, and a somewhat distant second place in tanking. Hope this has helped you!

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How to Choose the Best Race for Your Horde Warrior in WoW

Published on How To: Warriors

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