WoW Macros - Training and Levelling

Published on by makro

Learn all Spells from a Trainer

 Click a second time to stop learning

/run LoadAddOn"Blizzard_TrainerUI" f=ClassTrainerTrainButton f.e = 0 if f:GetScript"OnUpdate" then f:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)else f:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(f,e) f.e=f.e+e if f.e>.01 then f.e=0 f:Click() end end)end


Tanks: Check unhittability and avoidance (+ how far away hard-defcap)

/run local b,d,p,r,a=GetBlockChance(),GetDodgeChance(),GetParryChance(),GetCombatRating(CR_DEFENSE_SKILL) a=1/(.0625+.956/(r/122.9625)) ChatFrame1:AddMessage(format("Unhittable: %.2f%%  Avoidance: %.2f%%  Defense %+.0f rating",b+d+p+5+a,d+p+5+a,r-689))


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